At a glance, the choices are right or left. But when you take a second to think the situation over, you realize that the world is not entirely black and white. In reality, it's many different shades of gray. When the path ahead of you diverges into two directions, the choice before you is more than just right or left. You have the option of turning back, going through the area in between the two roads, or going to the side and blazing your own trail.
The thought of making tough decisions has been on my mind all day. A couple of my friends were forced to make a near impossible decision last week. The two of them chose to go to a CAL scholarship interview, instead of going to an Honor Band rehearsal. Unfortunately, this meant that they were not allowed to perform in the concert. Our band teacher thinks that they "blackened" the name of our school by doing this, but the whole ordeal wasn't fair to them. It was essentially a lose-lose situation. One of the main reasons that I'm scared by this is that if I had arrived at the same fork in the road as those two did, I would have chosen the same path.
On the note of choices, we received class choice sheets recently, and we had to choose our classes for next year. I pretty much know what classes I'm taking, but I found out today that my mom approves of me taking easy classes. To her, all that matters is my class rank and GPA. She doesn't really care about what I learn in the class, as long as I get an A. Her attitude is puzzling, but I'm not complaining. I'm glad she's in a good mood, probably because report cards came in, and I got eight A's and one B! It's kind of sad,'s the first B I've ever gotten on a semester grade.
Sigh...I think Nez got mad at them two a little too much, don't worry I think everybody would've chose the CAL scholarship path :D.