So last night, I rush off to Daniel house at about 5:28 P.M., and I foolishly bring with me what is essentially half a tape of film in my camera. I didn't have the foresight to bring an extra tape with me. I guess a part of me was thinking that I wouldn't have enough time to switch tapes between songs. Yeah, my forgetful side got the better of me yesterday. After receiving a hail of Nerf darts upon arriving at Daniel's house, Will pulls up, and we all hop into the car, literally.
I played Fire Emblem on my DS on the way there, and I happened to recruit what appears to be a pope to my army. A pope that can rain bolts of lightning onto the battlefield! While driving through the main street in Danville, we stop at an intersection and we see these girls on the corner. I proceed to open the window so Lauren could yell at them for their "digits". By their giant shopping bags, I imagined those digits would have a lot of zeros at the end of them. As we were being dropped off at Foster's Freeze, Will's dad told us to go get some rich, white girls. Except me that is, since I was the only one there with a girlfriend (I missed her...I could've used her protection for the horrors to come). Once Will's dad told us to "break huddle" we entered Foster's Freeze, and I ate there for the very first time, despite working there for two months.
After ordering, I turn around to organize my change and I jumped a bit when I saw Tianna and Ellen standing behind me. They were supporting their men, and we were all supporting...Brian, apparently. On the way to the school, Will taught us the proper white etiquette of crossing the street. Apparently, when a car lets a pedestrian pass in front of them, the pedestrian must make his hand into the shape of a gun and hold it up at the driver as a sign of apology. White people are weird...
The concert passes in a whirlwind of notes. I was hoping to get 1st chair oboe next year, but it seems impossible to even get in, considering that the 1st and 2nd chair oboes are just sophomores! I've heard the 1st oboe play when she was just a freshmen, and she was masterful, even back then. I'm scared to see how well she plays next year. At least the concert has inspired me to practice more often (Maybe I'll actually warm up with scales and arpeggios at home!).
After a bunch of pictures and avoiding Nez's fury (Austin Thai and Kenny couldn't play in the concert), we took Brian on a trip into town. We walked down the main street, as gay and merry as men could be with out actually being gay...and each other. We tried to look for a place to eat. "Kanye" Sushi was full, Uncle Wang's was full...of white people, Panda Express was full...of Mexicans, China Paradise had people staring at us, and no one wanted to go to Foster's Freeze! On the way up the street, we see this half-black, half-Mexican guy with an Aquabats hat speed by in a car yelling, "Pinole sucks!" So, we headed back down the street toward the school again, and this is where things get really weird. Brian, Lauren, Schwanka, and Will run across the crosswalk while it was still red, and Daniel and I were left behind. As the white LED man signaled the okay to cross, a white pickup truck stops close by the crosswalk, and we hear this sound...that sound will haunt me forever...It sounded like a demonic cross between a hyena and dolphin. I scream, and we hightail it outta there.
We reach Uncle Wang's, and this is where we split up. Brian, Lauren, and Will go into Uncle Wang's, and Daniel, Schwanka, and I try to find nourishment elsewhere. We walked up and down that street so many times, I'll just have to give a brief summary of what happened. By this time, it was getting really dark. There were scary white people about. It was us against the world. We pass by this club, and this deep, heart-piercing voice booms from inside, as if to beckon us into it and to never let us out again. We pass by empty shops that had the eeriest glow coming from within. There was this display that had the most realistic plastic women ever, and their eyes seemed to follow our every step. There was also a children's barbar shop called "Shear Adventures", but in the shadows of the night, it looked like some morbid decapitation station.
Our intrepid heroes finally made it to Starbucks, and the caffeine (at least the thought of caffeine) settled our nerves. We could finally laugh at the face of danger, except for Scwanka, who jumped at the sight of his shadow. I could imagine him jumping into Daniel's hands, like a Scooby-Doo/Shaggy type of thing. We returned to Uncle Wang's and we espyed our friends eating their walnut prawns (apparently the best in the world). To avoid loitering, we traipsed up and down the street again. On the way back, a silver station wagon pulled up next to us. Certain doom for our heroes, you say? No! It was Will's dad coming to pick us up!
In our new, armored steed, we galloped back to Uncle Wang's for the final time. Well actually, since they weren't done eating yet, Daniel, Schwanka, and I decided to go the Burger King. Will's dad was kind enough to drop us off there. I had a "Spicy Chick'N Crispy", and the chicken looked like a heart! I think that made it taste even better. After stealing sipfuls of root beer, we left the devil's homeland, and we were homeward bound. Being in a car with six other exceptionally large men is no fun. It got sweaty and testoterone filled VERY quickly. I was glad that I was the first one to get dropped off. We decided to take a group picture in front of my garage, and my adventurous night finally concluded with me and five good friends...all jammed onto my front doorstep, undoubtedly disturbing my neighbors.
Sounds very fun. I love your details.
ReplyDeletegod...going to Foster Freeze 2 days in a row must be bad for my health...>.<"