Obsessed? Probably. Anyway, I'm gonna keep this one short. I have to test my ROM to make sure the Anti-Piracy Protection Bypass code works correctly. If it does, then I'm gonna be up playing this game into the wee hours of the night. Nothing but me and the glow of my DS.
Side note: I watched almost five hours (About 25 YouTube episodes) worth of a Dragon Quest VIII "Let's Play" footage today. It's great fun, just sitting at home, doing homework, watching YouTube videos, and listening to my parents yelling at our cat.
Oh yeah! I forgot to mention. I changed my AIM noises again. Now, they're sounds from Legend of Zelda, and I feel like I'm on an adventure when I'm on AIM now! Right now, I have the IM noise set to hearts being collecting, someone signing in as Navi going, "Hey!", and people signing off as the Link to the Past version of Link dying, which oddly sounds like Pac-Man dying...
damn...Dragon Quest V havent come out yet on the rom site i use :[
ReplyDeletemmm...that sounds pretty c00l...mbe i should change my aim noises too, but at the same time...i never turn my speaker on...so wats the point?? =p