I thought the weekend would never come. Unfortunately, I think I might be busy for the majority of it. Sigh, that means I don't get much time to slack off and do nothing at home, which is something I love to do. Tomorrow, I have to pick up my cousin from the airport, get my oboe repaired, and go to my oboe lessons. On Sunday, there's supposed filming to be done for my group's Film Club project.
Today, I reached a new plateau in my journey of learning. I actually got a D on one of my AP Bio tests! That's quite a step up from my usual F's. Yohanna gave me one of the best compliments ever: She said she wants to copy be off of me on the next test! I'm so proud of this D, I'm tempted to stick it on my refridgerator. I'd do it, if I wasn't so afraid of my mom yelling at me for the 65% test score.
Speaking of over-achieving in school, I actually took a lot of notes in History today. I love learning about World War II, and I think the war in the Pacific is especially fascinating. I wish we could spend more than two days on it, though (I thought AP classes were supposed to be in-depth!). I remember reading a lot of about the Battles at Midway, Guadalcanal, and Leyte Gulf, but I kind of forgot everything. It's kind of ironic that my favorite part of US History is the part where Japan gets beat up.
Yesterday, I turned down an opportunity to take a Chemistry class over the summer at an Ivy League school. I explained to my principal that I was interested in music, and she said that I should think about applying to this famous music college that I do not know how to spell. I think it's "Giuliard" (Jew-Lee-Ard), but I'm probably wrong. Oh wait, after looking it up, it's actually called "Juilliard." Anyway, I've never really considered going to any other college besides a UC, but this would put me on the path to my dream job. Unfortunately, a career in music is quite quixotic (fanciful, outlandish, when Hell freezes over) for me, and my mom wouldn't want me to do it since there's no money in it. Besides, I'm not naturally talented enough to be a professional musician, and music theory still confuses, so being a composer is probably out of the question. Ah well, a boy can dream, I suppose.
Go to SFCM. Then I won't be lonely...assuming I get in -.-
ReplyDeleteOh mothers. My mom doesn't want me to major in film because she thinks there's no money in it, and she thinks I won't get far. Thanks for the support Mom!..
ReplyDeleteHaha when Mr.Wilson talks about WWII, it makes me want to play advance wars again =p