Thursday, February 5, 2009

In the rain without an umbrella.

...well, that's not completely true. I just didn't feel like using it after leaving the library today. It was in my backpack, but I was too lazy to take it out, open it, hold it, close it, and put it back. That kind of sums up my school habits, too. I have the materials to learn and be successful, but I'm too lazy to try really hard. I'd much rather be doing other things (Like writing blogs!), or chillin' with my homies.

Sigh, I could be preparing for badminton right now, but I was just too lazy to go...I should've though, since I'm so out of practice. I haven't stepped onto a badminton court in like six months. I feel the need to not be nerdy and to whack a birdie! I wonder if I'll be any better this year. I should be, since I have better shoes AND a wrist band that shows off my gang affiliation with band! I just wish my Sound headband fit better; then everything would be perfect. I would look like such a complete loser, it'd be funny. People would point and laugh.

Random fact about me: I dream about the day when I can buy some prescription goggles. I think they'd be SO cool. Unfortunately, the majority of the things I think are cool are usually perceived as really lame by other people.

I want some Digimon goggles.


  1. LOL, they look my swimming goggles :D

  2. It says they're tennis goggles, though. But that means it could be badminton AND/OR Digimon goggles. :P
