I love this song so much. It's so simple, yet, it makes me imagine how nice it would be to live in a small, countryside town. How amazing it would be to rise with the sun; to breathe in crisp, clean air that has travel from the ocean to the mountains. I always imagine that The Netherlands fits this description. Someday, I'll go there and see if I'm right or not. Even if I'm wrong, I'll still get to see the cool windmills there! I love windmills!
I decided to start my blog early today to avoid another fiasco like last night. With this out of the way, I can reserve the rest of the night to fine-tuning my video. Hopefully my editing can compensate for the lack of scenes and substance.
Music update: Watching the delinquent pigeon fly around the gym today made me think of this song from Laputa: Castle in the Sky, and THAT made me want to download even more Joe Hisaishi music! Even though "Pazu's Fanfare," also known as "Pigeons and a Boy," is really short, it just has a certain charm that makes me feel warm on the inside.
Music update: Watching the delinquent pigeon fly around the gym today made me think of this song from Laputa: Castle in the Sky, and THAT made me want to download even more Joe Hisaishi music! Even though "Pazu's Fanfare," also known as "Pigeons and a Boy," is really short, it just has a certain charm that makes me feel warm on the inside.
If you love windmills you should come to WE!!
Did you see the bird um..."poo" on the bleachers?