On an interesting note, my parents bought a mattress for me. I think this will be the first time in years that I've had my own bed. You know, my freshmen year was such a blur, I can't even remember what I slept on. But, I'm pretty sure that I had a bed back then. Oh yeah! I have pictures to prove it!
Pokémon progress tracker: Uhh...I can't remember where I started playing last night. I THINK I left Solaceon Town and reached Veilstone City, otherwise known as the shopping and gambling capital of Sinnoh (I made that up). Then, during school, I managed to beat Marlena (Was that her name...?) in her Gym, which was an actual gym, too. It had punching bags, strangely enough. I love ironies. I also evolved my Ralts all the way to a Gallade, which replaced my Kadabra. I've already decided to name it "Scimitar." I was thinking of "Excalibur" or "Lancelot" but I want to save those for a cooler Pokémon. I need to train him up to around Level 30, so it'll be on par with the rest of my party. Then, I'll take on Crasher Wake in Pastoria City for my 5th badge. As for the sixth slot in my party, I can't decide what kind of Pokémon I want. I'm thinking of using a Fire-type, but maybe some sort of Ground-type...
Wow, writing all that made me feel like a true Pokémon trainer! But, in real life, I'm just a REALLY big nerd...and I don't care.
Music update: Mentioning Rock Lee yesterday made me want to listen to some Naruto music. Even though I already have some, I decided to download some music from the new Shippuuden series. I remember getting goosebumps when I first heard "Heaven-Shaking Event" in one of the episodes. Too bad I stopped watching Naruto and anime in general. I should really try to get back into it....The last series I finished was Fate/Stay Night. The other series I've ever finished watching was Fullmetal Alchemist. I remember I cried right before going to a basketball game because I was watching that one episode....Argh, I want that State Alchemist's pocket watch so bad!!
haha u can always steal it from shimu? =p