Hmm...I can't remember much that happened at school today. It all happened so quickly, I blinked and missed it all. I vaguely remember playing Pokémon, though, when do I do anything else? At the ωe meeting, we had a balloon car construction face-off. It was a challenge that would decide the fate of the planet! A climactic clash of countries! Communism vs. who cares what else! Too bad Team China (Ryan, Austin, and myself) barely made it a foot from the starting line. I guess Ryan and I didn't have as much success as we had in eighth grade. Back then, our's had bottlecap wheels and was just a piece of cardboard. However, there was no way from stopping that beast from propelling itself to the finish line! Well, except for those darn lab tables jutting out from the wall (Who the heck put those there?)
I also watched the news when I got home today. I saw coverage of the service being held for those four officers who were killed on Saturday. They were gunned down by some psychopath rapist (Ironically with the last name Nixon) with an AK-47, in Oakland. In my opinion, those men are the quintessence of law enforcement: putting the safety of others before their own. I think this is the first time I've ever been sad for complete strangers. I'm beginning to believe that my sentimentality is actually an infirmity of mine. Sigh, I need to learn how to be a man!
Platinum progress tracker: Finally obtained all eight badges, and now, I trek through the perilous catacombs of Victory Road.
Music update: Being in the musical mood after watching The Wiz, I downloaded "A Brand New Day." I also found "We Go Together" from Grease, and "Here in Camelot" from Camelot, John F. Kennedy's favorite musical. I also learned that Micheal Jackson played the lion in the movie THE WIZ. That's...interesting.
haha watch we do Camelot for next year's musical XD