The most depressing thing that happened was, of course, hearing that Nez retired. It was like losing a family member, even though I know I'll still see him. Still, I was surprised how much it saddened me when I found out. I thought about everything that he taught me, and how much I learned to appreciate good music and the lessons that can be learned through simply stopping to listen for the story of a song. We're apparently supposed to write a letter to him full of good, positive words and memories, but I can't seem to think of anything to say that isn't sad.
Progress on my video project is actually going pretty well. I'd say I'm over halfway done. The hardest part is probably choosing a song for it. There are two completely different directions that I can take this video, and I'm not entirely sure which one I should traverse. Maybe I'll just flip a coin, Harvey Dent-style.

Hanging out with friends on Independence Day was fun. I was tempted to call it "Independence From Women Day" since it was all guys. Swimming in Will's pool was painful because it was so freezing cold. My entire body was literally turning purple. We played frisbee in the park by the bay in Hercules, but for some reason, I kept getting distracted by...ah, never mind. It's not important. The fireworks were okay, I guess. I think watching the Disneyland fireworks show over five times has spoiled me. But, once I started listening to some "Star and Stripes Forever" and "The Star-Spangled Banner", the fireworks in Hercules became ten times more interesting and immersive. Being near the bay reminded me of when "The Star-Spangled Banner" was written: in Fort McHenry, on the Chesapeake Bay. The fireworks were reminiscent of the bombs bursting in mid-air, as written by Francis Scott Key.
Having very little Interact experience and having not done anything Interact-related in almost two years, I have been chosen to act as the club's Secretary...of War. I don't know why, but the position of secretary is appealing to me. It's the job in the shadows, which fits what I like to do. And no, that's not stalk people.
"Independence from Women Day" rofl.