Let's see...the first most important thing that I can think of to talk about is the completion of my personal solo video. It's called "This Past Feeling" because of the song I used and the theme of the video (I'm so creative!). The song, called "This Feeling," is a remix of the First Victory song from the first Phoenix Wright game. I chose the song because it was happy and upbeat, without being too, uh, girly. The second song, "Dear Friends," is from Final Fantasy V and made me think of how far I've come since elementary school. I've made so many dear friends in my life, and I think it all started on that playground, too.
Interesting things about the production of the video: Much tape was used. No, not film tape, but electrical tape. I used it to hold my camera onto various objects found around the set. Having a small camera has some advantages, but lots of tape on a windy day equals a lot of frustration. I'm surprised how durable my camera is; it fell onto cement twice and into a water fountain once. The water fountain actually cleaned the screen of the camera, so I guess that wasn't such a bad thing.
Oh yeah...about the new banner. Um, personally, I think it's pretty. It's a lot more exciting than my previous banners at least. The only thing bad is probably the broken and/or made up Latin that I used. It's probably easy to guess that the first line means "Irreplaceable time flees." But, I had to look up a Latin translation for "like" and came up with "velut". The title is supposed to mean "Irreplaceable time flees like a fantasy," but it probably doesn't. Also, I couldn't find a Latin word for fantasy... Ah well, it looks nice at least.
I've also changed my lifelong goals list to a Final Fantasy progress list. It lists my approximate progress in each game. Hopefully I'll get one of those to 100%! I bought Final Fantasy: Dawn of Souls the other day, which is the GBA version of numbers I and II, and I think I angered the game somehow while playing it though. While in a dungeon, I had NINE random encounters in a row. In other words, that's nine battles in nine steps taken. It was incredibly frustrating, yet hilarious at the same time. I think the game's God (aka the Random Number Generator) hates me.
For the past week, I've been watching The Speed Gamers Final Fantasy marathon, which was streamed live. They're a group of college students who played Final Fantasy games for an entire week and raised over $50,000 for autism care and treatment. See? Who says video games are a waste of time? They were even featured on the CBS news. Their next project is a Mega Man marathon starting August 14 for earthday.org. Man, if only we could do this for WE at our school.
I went to Angel Island with my grandpa and my other relatives from China yesterday. We took a ferry from Tiburon, the birthplace of the mountain bike, to get there. Then, we hiked half an hour up steep stairs and winding roads to get to the Immigration Station (Wow! More creative names!). It's the biggest attraction of Angel Island and is where Chinese immigrants were detained and interrogated. In one room, there are almost 100 different poems carved into the wooden wall. Sadly, a lot of it has been painted over and is barely legible. It's still nice to see them in person though...even if I can't read it.
Oh no! My senior picture day is tomorrow! I'm nervous because I'll be getting a haircut right before I get my picture taken. What's so bad about that? Well...I'll be getting a haircut at a place that's not my bathroom for the first time in like a decade. I'm feeling very anxious, but it just might be the caffeine. Hopefully they won't cut it too short; I need long hair to hide my forehead.