I finally got an actual compliment from Nez today! At least, I guess you could call it a compliment. He said my solo was really pretty, but since he said while I was still playing, it took a lot of self control to stop myself from laughing. It was just so out of the blue, and people started looking at me, I'm suprised that I didn't mess up. I guess I was having a good-reed day, those are nice to have.
We also had "Braniac Day" at school today. I find this quite offensive to my race! It's ironic that today was also our weekly Ghetto Thursday. Man, if I had it my way, we'd have Larghetto Thursdays.
Sigh, I came so close to beating Richmond today, but alas, it wasn't quite went to be. It was close though. It was something like 12-21, 23-21, 18-21. At least I found out that my new racket is pretty good, though. The only problem was that Daniel and I kept hitting it out. I was surprised at my own power.
Platinum progress tracker: The vision of my ideal team seems to be getting clearer with each passing day. I also have a two Pokémon combination that people may find annoying.... Ah well.
Sorry that this is so short and so late. My history homework took longer than expected...
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