seems like there are days when I have loads to talk about, and there are days like today when I draw big question marks in my head.
Well today, I failed at drawing a scroll and pegbox of a violin on the back of my hand, but I only did it to remind me to download Beethoven's Violin Concerto in D major, which we listened to in English class today. I think it's pretty neat how Ms. McGrady talked about the violin-playing boy, Juliek, whom I just talked about yesterday! I think he was playing the second movement, the Larghetto, which is the slow and sad part. It's sad...I didn't even know that he dies right after playing the concerto and his violin is smashed. Maybe I should learn to finish the chapters of books more often.... At least he didn't die in vain, I'm pretty I'll always recognize Beethoven's Violin Concerto in D major as Juliek's song from now on.
haha too bad she didn't play the entire piece for us =p