I think my new favorite thing to do in Computers is to go on JWPepper and find music to download. I found some songs by Leroy Anderson yesterday, and now I can't stop listening to them. They're just so catchy! I especially like "The Typewriter" and we've played other songs by him before, like "Sleigh Ride" and "Bugler's Holiday".
Yesterday, I finished editing my music video and it turned out a lot different than what I expected. The theme of the video kind of got lost, but it didn't end up as bad as I thought it would. In my opinion, it's not as good as the video I made by myself, but it's still not terrible like some of my past projects. In the end, I suppose that I'm happy with all of the hard work that my group and I did. Next time, I should really plan out the filming portion of ideas better. I think a good idea would be to scope out the location first, because my memory of the place and the actual area differed. I hadn't been there in a while, so I had forgotten what everything looked like, making it hard to find good angles for filming.
Ah well, it should interesting for everyone to watch tomorrow at Film Club. I always get so paranoid and worried that Mr. Sanders's computer won't play my video. Hopefully it'll be able to play both of them, and hopefully I'll know what to talk about. I want to describe, in detail, everything that is wrong with my video and there is a lot. I really like the intro I "made" though. It's a little production animation-type thing that I'll put at the beginning of all of my videos from now on. I didn't make the animation though. I only added the title and music, but it's cool nonetheless!
I finally finished downloading the movie Whisper of the Heart over the weekend. But it turned out that it didn't have subtitles. So I spent a couple of hours trying to add them manually, but I kind of failed. So, I downloaded a different one yesterday, and this one actually has English subtitles! Too bad I have like no free time this week to watch it. Then again, the football game is away this Friday, so maybe I can spend a lonely Friday by myself watching it (assuming I don't sleep the entire time out of exhaustion).
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