Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I feel like marching down Main Street.

and walking into a saloon.

Today held a couple of realizations for me: things that I've always known, but I kept at the back of my head. I realized that jerking is basically backwards skipping, which I can do. But, doing it in place is so much harder for some reason. Ah well, I bet by the time I learned how to do it properly, everyone will have moved on to something else.

I also can't seem to stop listening to Maple Leaf Rag. I've always loved the melody in the song, ever since I first heard it at Disneyland. I've always liked ragtime as a whole, and I think it began when I played Animal Crossing. It had a song called "K.K. Ragtime" which I usually had playing in my virtual house. Funnily enough, I also had "K.K. March" playing on a different floor in the house. Two different styles by two kings of their genres, Scott Joplin "The King of Ragtime" and John Philip Sousa "The March King". They were also from the same time period...these coincidences are Just Plain Scary.

Also, I did it:

Strangely enough, I already have a Photobucket account, but I don't really use it. I just use it to upload wallpapers for MySpace...

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